After the uncertainties of the COVID years, one thing that’s clear is that in-person, IRL attendance is officially back. Attendance at conferences, trade fairs, and business events jumped up in 2023 and is predicted to be even higher throughout 2024.

If you’re hoping to make a splash and make the most of this return to normal, now is the time to start planning activations that will make a lasting impression. One of the most popular such activities is, of course, giveaway events.

With the right giveaway ideas for events, you can dramatically improve brand recall and ensure that your brand comes first to mind the next time a potential customer is pondering a purchase. Here are our expert tips for getting your next giveaway right. 

Give More with a Swag Bag

Instead of giving out a single, solitary product, you should always opt for greater variety with a swag bag. This can include all of the classics such as custom water bottles and keychains, but can also be used to go further to tell your audience the story of your brand.

For example, some brands might include items such as fountain pens or on-trend gadgets to convey their personality and who they are communicating with. Think about how your product bundle swag bag can tell your story.

Reward Your Existing Customers

A good giveaway should not focus simply on capturing the attention or loyalty of new potential customers (although this is important).

You also need to consider how you can gift your existing customers, to ensure that they stick around and tell others about you. For example, you could offer free product upgrades or tune-ups.

Perhaps you could offer free subscription upgrades (i.e., from the “silver” to the “gold” tier). You could offer a big discount on the next product that they buy from you. Considering your existing customers is essential for any successful giveaway. 

Give Something That Keeps Them Coming Back

For too many brands, the giveaway ends the moment that the recipient leaves the premises. They eat the branded snack. They throw the pamphlet in the trash.

They leave the fidget spinner to gather dust in the corner with the other branded products. This is why it is always worth giving away something that requires and compels the recipient to go home and actually use it, and to keep coming back for more.

Free trials are one hugely effective way to do this. Giving your audience a free month’s use of your services or a free try-out for a product can pay serious dividends and convert leads into lifelong customers.

Giveaway Ideas for Events to Boost Your Brand Power

The right giveaway ideas for events will depend on what you are trying to achieve with your brand.

Do you wish to generate buzz around a new launch? Do you wish to connect to new leads at a conference? Do you want to remind others that you exist?

Whatever your motivation, we can help. At Alexa Springs, we offer totally bespoke, high-quality branded water bottles to accompany any giveaway event. Reach out to us for a free quote today.Â