Do you make your brand memorable?

It takes five to sever interactions for a brand to stick in the consumer’s mind. How you present it matters as well because consumers tend to support brands that make a positive impression.

Giving away corporate swag helps build positive brand awareness. People love getting free stuff, and it creates more interaction possibilities as they see their swag again later.

Read on for corporate swag ideas that will help you expand your business.

Corporate Swag Bag

When putting together a corporate swag bag, consider what your target market may need. Keep in mind the type of event and any running theme.

At a convention, people will collect a number of items. Giving out a reusable bag with your logo will help your people out.

Plus, others will see your logo as they dump other brands’ items into the bag! What are cool swag ideas to fill your bag with?

Custom Bottled Water

As people wander conventions they tend to get hot and thirsty. They will love your brand for handing out bottled water in their swag bag!

Customized water bottles allow you to put your logo right on the bottles! When ordering your labels, consider theming them to the event as well, to make it fun.

Healthy Snacks

Conventions last a long time. People often get hungry while walking around.

They may worry that long concession lines will prevent them from getting to every booth that they want to check out. Help them out by throwing snacks into your swag bag.

If your brand centers around food, throw a sample of your own product. If not, then give them something healthy that will hold them down along with their bottled water.

Free Samples of Corporate Swag

What products or services does your brand offer? Throw in a free sample!

People do not always want to pay for something if they are not familiar with the business. Offering free samples increases the likelihood of them actually buying your product or service!

How to Hand Out the Swag

The best corporate swag ideas do not only focus on the swag itself. They also strategically hand out the items to their target market.

This can make a huge difference in how people remember you. Remember, the person handing out the swag bag displays the companies personality.

Make eye contact and greet each and every consumer. People like to feel seen.

Always hand out branded items with a smile. People naturally smile when others smile. Smiling releases endorphins, which trigger the reward center in the brain, so they attach your brand to feeling good!

Get creative. If you make the experience exciting, it will stand out to people. Play a game or encourage people to use your product in a fun and creative way before they receive the goods.

Corporate Swag Ideas Matter

If you plan to market with corporate swag ideas like these, do not throw your logo on just anything. People will associate your brand with whatever items you give them.

We understand that water fulfills a basic human need. It represents life and quenches their deepest desires.

Let them know that your brand does this by giving out custom water bottles! Put in your order today!