Surveys show that 88% of Americans express a positive opinion of bottled water as a beverage choice. Even at a time when there are so many choices when it comes to bottled drinks, including sodas, bottled water continues to rank as the nation’s No. 1 beverage.

Clearly, the thirst for bottled water is real, and one variant, in particular, is making waves-bottled spring water. Beyond its refreshing taste, bottled spring water offers more than meets the eye.

In this blog post, we will explore three surprising benefits that make bottled spring water a standout choice for hydration enthusiasts. Let’s get started!

1. Optimal Hydration with Higher pH

Bottled spring water distinguishes itself with a higher pH level compared to regular tap water. This elevated pH plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal hydration levels within the body.

Why does this matter? The human body operates most efficiently in a slightly alkaline environment, and bottled spring water helps achieve just that.

By choosing water with a higher pH, you’re not just quenching your thirst; you’re supporting your body in maintaining a balanced internal environment, enhancing overall well-being.

2. Aid to Digestion

Surprisingly, bottled spring water can also be a secret weapon for your digestive system. The natural minerals present in spring water can stimulate digestive enzymes. This facilitates the breakdown of food in your stomach.

This gentle boost to your digestive process can contribute to a smoother and more efficient absorption of nutrients. So, next time you reach for that bottle of spring water, know that you’re giving your digestive system a subtle nudge toward optimal functioning.

A well-functioning digestive system is not only about nutrient absorption but also about maintaining gut health. The minerals in bottled spring water, like calcium and magnesium, play a crucial role in promoting a balanced microbial environment in your gut.

3. Headache Prevention

Each year, around 45 million Americans complain of headaches, which represents around one in every six people. Have you ever experienced a pounding headache seemingly out of nowhere? Dehydration is often a culprit, and here’s where bottled spring water can come to the rescue.

The balanced mineral content in spring water ensures that your body receives essential electrolytes, helping to prevent dehydration-induced headaches. Staying adequately hydrated with bottled spring water becomes a proactive approach to keeping those unwelcome headaches at bay. It’s a simple yet effective strategy to maintain your well-being throughout the day.

Surprising Benefits of Bottled Spring Water

As the demand for bottled water continues to rise, understanding the unique benefits of bottled spring water becomes paramount. With a higher pH level promoting optimal hydration, assistance to digestion, and the prevention of headaches, it’s more than just a thirst-quenching choice-it’s also a health-conscious one.

Here at Alexa Springs, we understand bottled water with custom labels is also a great asset for businesses, both large and small. We create custom bottled spring water that is the perfect way for businesses to advertise.

If you are interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to contact our team. Click here to get in touch.