Branded merch and consumer goods have long been seen as an effective way to boost visibility and build positive associations with your brand.

This is why the market for this sort of branded merch has ballooned in size in recent years, as it remains a low-cost, high-impact way to get your brand out there.

One popular approach is to use custom labeled water bottles, which can be given out at large-scale events such as festivals, conferences, or trade fairs.

If you’re looking to brand some water bottles with your company’s logo and info, check out these essential tips for effective water bottle label design. 

Keep It Simple

This is pretty much the golden rule of all company branding. Keep it simple. Use plenty of blank space and go the extra mile to make sure your label is clear, clean, and uncluttered.

“Busy” labels are offputting and make it less likely that your visual messaging will be received. A simple, clean aesthetic will capture the eyes of your target audience, boosting the impact of your branding exercise. 

Use High-Quality Graphics

No matter how big or small your water bottle labels are, you need to invest in high-quality graphics. If your images have a low resolution, your labels will look blurry, messy, and unprofessional.

Consider using a professional custom labels service, or invest in a trained graphic designer to ensure that all of the specs for your label are correct before it heads to the printer. 

Draw Attention to Key Information

Promotional gifts like custom water bottles are not just about branding.

They are also a great way to convey key information about your company or event that will stick in the recipient’s mind. Take advantage of this branding opportunity.

Consider adding info on your label about your company website or any deals you might be offering at the moment. If you have something specific you want to say, say it with your water bottles.

Typography Counts

As we all remember from the infamous war against Comic Sans back in the 2010s, typography can count for a lot.

You should take the time to ensure that the font on your custom labels is legible, visually appealing, and matches your brand’s visual identity.

You should also pay attention to visual hierarchy and structure your font sizes in a way that guides the reader through the key information you wish to convey. If you have a company brand book, use the fonts stipulated there. 

We Design the Right Custom Labeled Water Bottles For Your Brand

Custom labeled water bottles are a time-tested and proven way to boost your brand and make a splash at a corporate event.

However, a label in itself is not enough. You need a label that is crisp, clear, and well-designed. For this, we have got you covered.

At Alexa Springs, we offer cost-effective custom labels for companies of all shapes and sizes. You can get in touch to find out exactly what we can do for you and your brand.