Do you have a corporate event coming up?

Events can be fantastic ways for businesses to get their name and brand out into the world. Hosting or having employees at events can help you re-engage estranged clients and pique the interest of new ones.

However, knowing how to present yourself can be hard, and you want to make a good impression.

That’s why we’ve assembled these event marketing hacks that you probably haven’t thought of yet. Read on to make your next event a glorious success!

1. Make and Invite Journalist Friends

Do you know a journalist or two who might be interested in coming to report on your event?

If you don’t, you might be scratching your head and wondering why we’re asking you this. Here’s the thing: having the media present at your event gives you a reach you wouldn’t otherwise have.

When you get an independent reporter or a media organization to agree to cover your event, other people will read about your event. If the article goes on the internet, people could eve read about it years after it happens.

It’s important to network with journalists because of this. The sooner you have the direct e-mail of someone who trusts you, the more you will stand out among all of their news tips.

Don’t have journalist friends but still want the media there?

Contact every local news source you can think of. Usually, local news agencies will have a list of reporters and some contact information. Whenever possible, contact the editor-in-chief and describe the event to them.

If there is no contact information for the editor-in-chief, reach out to the news desk or call the organization’s main line.

You can reach out to individual reporters as well. However, you may have a better chance with the editors who oversee the publications. Most assignments must be approved by them anyway.

2. Organize Your Event Marketing Strategy

With no audience, there’s no event, so it’s crucial that you come up with a plan to let people know.

Often, companies promote their event via social media posts or e-mail or mail invites. Keep in mind that mail costs money, and social media can, too, if you want it to have a large reach.

If you have a blog, write about your event. You can also compose a press release and send it to local press contacts. Just make sure to follow up with them afterward.

3. Reach Out to Your Speakers

Chances are if you’ve selected speakers for your event, they are fairly influential people.

Ask them to give you a shout out on their social media and tell their audience about the event. Many people will be willing to do this because being invited to speak boosts their reputation as well.

Distributing Water at Your Event?

Do you want to know a secret to good event marketing?

Spectacular branding. When you’re hosting an event, you’ll want to put your logo anywhere you can without looking too conspicuous.

That’s why if you’re providing water, you should definitely consider putting your company’s name on it. With branded water bottles, your audience will think of you every time they take a sip.

Order from us today!